Institutional Dialogue
The Natural Heritage Mission seeks to establish an ongoing and direct dialogue on policies that integrate technical knowledge and innovative solutions into effective and transformative governance. This approach aims to foster collaboration, improve governance, and facilitate the transfer of best practices among stakeholders both within and beyond the Mediterranean community.
A cornerstone of this effort is the organisation of Annual Institutional Dialogue events, designed to create a platform for exchange and cooperation between policymakers, scientists, and civil society.
The first Institutional Dialogue event was held on 23–24 November 2023 in Piran, Slovenia. It marked the launch of discussions on embedding technical expertise into actionable policies, with a focus on the challenges and opportunities for natural heritage conservation. For key takeaways, see here.
The second Institutional Dialogue event took place on 28–29 November 2024 in Málaga, Spain. This event brought together more than 150 experts from 17 Mediterranean countries, aiming to advance collaborative efforts in ecosystem restoration. Discussions focused on aligning actions with the Global Biodiversity Framework and the EU Nature Restoration Law, reinforcing regional and international conservation targets. For key takeaways, see here.
These events are vital for strengthening regional collaboration and ensuring that Mediterranean stakeholders are equipped to address the dual crises of biodiversity loss and climate change through informed and coordinated action.
Synergies and Advocacy Work
The Natural Heritage Mission establishes strategic synergies with relevant Euro-Mediterranean and non-Euro-Mediterranean networks, initiatives, programmes, and organisations. A special focus is placed on fostering connections between the two shores of the Mediterranean Sea to enhance coordination among key actors addressing common challenges.
In addition, the Mission undertakes advocacy and positioning activities to ensure that the results achieved by the programme, the Thematic Projects, and the Natural Heritage Mission are disseminated in the Mediterranean region and beyond.
The Natural Heritage Mission has actively participated in and contributed to several events, emphasising its commitment to fostering dialogue and collaboration across the Mediterranean region. Key events include:
- Kick-off meeting of Dialogue for Tourism project, Athens, 2/03/2023
- Conference of Community for Living Areas, Tirana, 30/03/2023
- 4th meeting of the UfM Working Group on Environment and Climate Change, hybrid, 24/05/2023
- Congress for Nature Conservation in Catalonia, Berguedà, 2-4/10/2023
- INSULEUR’s Annual Forum: Impacts of Climate Change on the Economies of European Islands, Athens, 1/12/2023
- 23rd Conference of the Parties (COP23) to the Barcelona Convention, Slovenia, 4-8/12/2023
- MED Talks, online, 5/12/2023
- Natural Heritage Mission Launches Policy Dialogue with Working Groups, online, 26/04/2024
- 2nd Online Working Groups Meeting – Restoration in the Mediterranean Region within the EU Nature Restoration Law, online, 8/10/2024.
- Natural Heritage Mission Highlights Contributions at the 8th Mediterranean Forest Week in Barcelona, 7/11/2024, Barcelona, Spain
- MED Talks 2024: Fostering Dialogue Between Northern and Southern Shores, online, 16/12/2024
Policy Outputs
In alignment with its synergies, the Mission facilitates the development of key policy documents to address shared environmental goals. These outputs aim to formalise collaboration and provide actionable frameworks for collective efforts. The Mission’s policy documents and key recommendations are disseminated in key events, as well as through advocacy campaigns, to reach the identified targets and promote policy change according to the EU priorities.
- Policy recommendations on restoration (ongoing)
- Natural Heritage Mission Feedback to the Nature Restoration Regulation Uniform Format