The Amplification Room
The Amplification Room (AR) is the space where the core community –including the Natural Heritage Mission governance projects partners, the Associated Partners, as well as the Thematic Projects– comes together and opens to new external targets with the aim to facilitate transference in practice. These actors include target audiences for the thematic projects, as well as other interested North & South Mediterranean actors.
All people engaged can provide examples and solutions they developed, as well as benefit from those present. You can discover our community by finding the engaged organisations in the Mission’s map.
The AR offers a “portfolio of services”, which are a variety of tailored in-person and online settings where the transference of solutions and knowledge can happen.
Working groups
As a starting point, the Natural Heritage Mission created 4 thematic Working Groups engaging the Community of Practice as well as external actors in at least 2 activities per year with the aim to mainstream transferable solutions to other territories and into policy making processes at different levels (local, regional, national). The Working Groups will offer capacity building for policy and technical implementation, and advocate for influencing the Mediterranean policy sphere (mainly via the development of policy papers, sharing best practices and networking).
To tackle the need for more specific dynamics, not possible to deliver through the overall thematic Working Groups, the AR offers the possibility for the community to create clusters. In the clustering activity we add specific effort to aid and amplify the transfer processes by clustering interested stakeholders with the aim of answering the concrete needs of the community.
The main objectives of the clustering activities are transference and adoption of concrete TP results by creating a tailored environment. You can find some FAQs on how this works here.
The outcomes of the clustering activities might be: the reporting of a transference or adoption success story regarding a TP solution, fruitful networking activities, providing answers to a specific problem, and concrete experiences to feed the policy statements built within the overall thematic Working Groups. Clusters will also be created specifically for delivering the peer review process of TP results.
Hereafter, you can find the different categories of clusters created so far, as well as their relative reports:
Geographical clusters
Thematic clusters
Peer-review clusters
The Amplification Room will provide a unique opportunity for networking between Mediterranean actors, and has already made available an online Forum to welcome interested parties and identify participants’ needs and interests.