Valorization of Socio-Economic Importance of Biodiversity 💰

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  • #5262
    Sofia MartinsSofia Martins

    The Mediterranean region is known for its biodiversity and rich ecosystems. These natural resources are important assets but are at risk since there is no recognised system to estimate their value concerning the ecosystem services and products that they provide. The application of spatial economics to understand the current and future values associated with the use of species and habitats will provide economic arguments for the conservation of biodiversity and the mitigation of climate change for policymakers.

    The Global Biodiversity Framework places economics at the heart of the biodiversity framework. It calls for the valuation of nature, in recognition of the ecosystem functions and services that it provides to people. Specifically the Working Group on evaluating the socioeconomic importance of biodiversity, will focus on:

    Valuing ecosystem services and products
    Understanding industry and stakeholder values applied to spatial economics
    Providing alternative scenarios for conservation considering economic values

    We want to initiate the discussion with you around the socioeconomic importance of biodiversity!

    What challenges are you facing when involved in policy drafting and the implementation of technical solutions? How can the Mission for Natural Heritage support you in these processes?

    Do you have any good practice, lesson learned, solution or tool you can share with us that could help us in the process?

    We read you in the comments 👀

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