Marine Institute
The Marine Institute (MI) was founded by the Blue World Institute of Marine Research and Conservation (BWI) and the City of Mali Losinj to promote the progress and development of research, education and conservation of the marine environment by creating partnerships between different scientific disciplines, using best practices and implementing innovative activities and programs aimed at the sustainable development of islands and local communities and at the sustainable use of natural resources. The MI has helped develop workshops, lectures, public awareness and capacity building activities as part of the LIFE Euroturtles project, EMFF MarGnet project and Interreg Italy-Croatia Soundscape and ECOSS projects. In addition, working with researchers from the Stockholm Resilience Centre and the Australian National University the MI developed a training course for early career researchers on the science-policy-society interface as a partner in the Interreg Med ‘MBPC’ project.

Peter Mackelworth
Dr Peter Mackelworth has worked in marine conservation in the Mediterranean since 1998. His research covers the implementation and management of marine protected areas, applying systematic conservation to maritime spatial planning and transboundary conservation initiatives. He has contributed to the development of marine conservation policies within Croatia, the Adriatic, the Mediterranean, the Red Sea, and European regions. He has worked closely with development of conservation and governance plans and projects for the European Union macroregional strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region (EUSAIR). His interest is the development of marine policy and planning through the science-policy-society interface focussing on the legal, political, and socio-economic process facilitating conservation, central to this is working within interdisciplinary groups, ensuring policies reflect science, and that science is relevant to policy goals.

Martina Antoninić
Martina Antoninić has a masters degree in Spanish language and literature and museology and heritage management. She has been part of the Marine Institute team since 2020. and has been involved in the project activities of the Interreg Med ‘MBPC’ project. Previously, she worked for a Croatian NGO the Blue World Institute and gained experience in marine biology and conservation participating in the following projects: LIFE Euroturtles project, EMFF MarGnet project and LIFE DELFI project.

Henrieta Belegišanin
Henrieta Belegišanin graduated from the University of Economics in Bratislava specialising in International Business. After 15 years of corporate career she made a switch and joined Croatian NGO Blue World Institute supporting the organisation in the field of fundraising and communication where she gained knowledge about marine conservation. Henrieta joined Marine Institute in 2022 and was involved in communication of the Interreg Med MBPC project.

Marijana Hocenski
Marijana Hocenski holds a masters degree in economy and a specialist degree in doing business with the EU. She has been a part of the MI team since 2021. and has been administering the Interreg Med ‘MBPC’ project. Also, for the last four years she is a part of the administration team of a NGO Blue World Institute where she is participating in many EU projects (ECOSS, Soundcape, Delfi, Euroturtles, MarGnet, OPKK, ESF).
The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) aims to influence, encourage and assist societies throughout the world to conserve the integrity and diversity of nature and to ensure that any use of natural resources is equitable and ecologically sustainable. The Center for Mediterranean Cooperation was created in 2000 to bridge gaps between science, policy, management and action in order to conserve nature, accelerate the transition towards sustainable development in the Mediterranean and handle the common problems affecting the region. The main strategic lines of IUCN-Med aim to address biodiversity loss and climate change impacts through innovative and targeted initiatives.

Carla Danelutti
Carla is an environmental scientist and a forester devoting her career to conservation, focusing on protected area management, planning, and promotion, while supporting the role of protected areas as drivers of conservation and benefits for communities. After several years of implementing several EU-funded international projects on ecotourism design and monitoring and of Protected Areas management effectiveness, she is now a coordinator of the Ecosystem Resilience and Spatial Planning department at the IUCN Center for Mediterranean Cooperation. Carla has been integral to establishing and creating the Mediterranean Ecotourism Network Association, a network of Mediterranean protected areas working collectively to develop, manage, and promote ecotourism at scale in the region. She is the current Secretary of the MEET Network and serves as a Treasurer of the Board. Working at IUCN Centre for Mediterranean cooperation, she is also part of the IUCN Green List Operations team for Italy and Spain and a member of the IUCN World Commission of Protected Areas (WCPA) and its TAPAS (Tourism & Protected Areas Specialist) Group.

Lucía Prieto
Lucía Prieto is Ecosystem Programme Assistant at the IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation and assists in the coordination and communication of a portfolio of EU-funded projects related to ecotourism, ecosystem resilience and spatial planning. She is also part of the MEET Network Secretariat, an NGO that focuses on tourism and visitation in protected areas. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Translation and Interpreting from the University of Salamanca, and a Master’s Degree in Tourism Management and Planning from the University of Málaga.

Alberto Arroyo Schnell
Alberto Arroyo Schnell is Head of Programme and Policy at the European Regional Office of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). He has held leading positions on EU environmental policy for the past two decades, previously chairing the European Habitats Forum and leading the European biodiversity policy action at WWF. His current focus includes working together with the key sectors related to / impacted by / benefiting from biodiversity and nature, aiming to find ways to achieve the environmental targets jointly and to ensure ownership of these targets by all stakeholders. He has a background in Forestry Engineering.
MedCities, founded in 1991 in Barcelona, is a network of 73 municipalities and unions of municipalities that helps Mediterranean local governments to improve its service capabilities and to achieve its strategic priorities with specific projects. The association is a voice for local municipalities of the entire region Mediterranean (3 continents) in international fora and supports local governance under the principle of sustainable development. It also works by emphasising the cooperation between members and with other international organisations. Guided by the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN, MedCities is defined itself as the objective 17: Alliance of institutions in order to reach others 16 goals. As a network, it looks at the projects globally, integrates and engages members so they can leverage knowledge and experiences of the projects, also integrating other actors.

Carolina Pérez
A lawyer by education, Carolina has over 20 years’ experience managing projects in the field of coastal management, planning and policy-development. Previously a project coordinator at the Coastal & Marine Union-EUCC in the Netherlands, in 2003 she moved to Barcelona to open, as Director, the regional office EUCC Med Centre. While in Barcelona, she began cooperating with MedCities and eventually joined the MedCities team in 2017 as project officer focusing on project linked to biodiversity, natural environment, coastal protection and climate change and marine pollution prevention. She is the focal point for MedCities members in Spain and in Lebanon. Her main areas of interest are related to sustainable socio-economic development, participatory processes, climate change adaptation, waste reduction and management and marine litter.

Mireia L. Baeta
A Journalist with a Degree in International Relations in the Mediterranean countries. She has more than 10 years experience in the media (radio and TV). She switched to corporate communication in different associations and at MedCities she has developed the communication plan and she has been involved in the communication team from the Biodiversity Protection Community project for 3 years. Also, she works for the results of projects of the association to be well disseminated.

Dario Ros
Finance and Administration Specialist focused on international organizations (specially on public equivalent organizations).

Alba Guitart
A professional in international cooperation with more than ten years experience in different contexts. 4 years ago, she joined MedCities team to contribute to sustainable urban development in the Mediterranean basin by promoting nature-based solutions from participatory governance and local government empowerment approaches.
Plan Bleu
Plan Bleu is one the six Regional Activity Centres of the Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP) of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), put in place by France since 1977. Its programme of work is approved every two years by the Contracting parties to the Barcelona Convention. Plan Bleu produces studies and scenarios for the future in order to raise awareness of Mediterranean stakeholders and decision-makers regarding environment and sustainable development issues in the region. Located in Marseille, Plan Bleu is managed by an association under French law (1901 law). Activities are carried out by a 15-people team, being supported by Mediterranean experts and validated by the Countries’ Focal points.

Arnaud Terrisse
Arnaud holds a Bachelor in Business and Languages and a Master’s degree in International Relations with a focus on Ocean Governance and Environmental Sustainability. He gained skills in marine ecology and biology through courses and time spent in the ocean. He has been working on projects related to Blue Economy and marine environmental issues at the EU and Mediterranean level. Arnaud joined Plan Bleu in 2020 as an Interreg Volunteer to work on the Interreg Med Blue Growth horizontal project. In September 2021, he was appointed Project Officer at Plan Bleu and is now working on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Restoration related projects. Arnaud has a strong interest in topics ranging from marine conservation, sustainable and regenerative agriculture to community-based resource management.

Alice Wittevrongel
Alice is an agricultural engineer specializing in international agro-development. She spent several years on the African continent, managing biodiversity conservation projects in support of protected areas within NGOs and development banks. She joined Plan Bleu in October 2024 as project manager, focusing on the conservation and restoration of Mediterranean marine and forest ecosystems.
Autonomous Region of Sardinia
The Autonomous Region of Sardinia (RAS) is the regional authority of the island of Sardinia. Since the Italian Constitution of 1948, Sardinia has had an autonomous statute due to its insularity. The regional authority has more than 4000 civil servants and is divided into 12 regional ministries and numerous regional agencies and public bodies. The Environmental region ministry with its General Direction, is responsible for environmental sustainability policies, including the territorialization of the 2030 Agenda and the coordination of climate change adaptation actvities (SVASI division), the planning and financing of actions to be implemented by protected areas (PAs) and Natura 2000 sites (TNPF division) to ensure the conservation of biodiversity, the provision of ecosystem services and the sustainable use of natural resources.

Gianluca Cocco
Gianluca Cocco currently is the Director of the environmental sustainability, strategic assessment, and information systems Department (SVASI). From 2011 to 2015 he was also Director of the Environmental Assessment Department (EIA and SEA). He has been working for years on environmental issues (climate change, sustainability, sustainable development, GPP), energy (efficiency, public lighting, and mobility) and new technologies (information systems and monitoring networks). He has been an official of the Sardinian Forest Service for over 12 years, dealing with forest fires and telecommunications.

Silvia Serra
Silvia Serra, environmental engineer, has been working for about 20 years in the field of sustainability and environmental protection. As a freelancer, she has worked as a consultant for companies and public administrations in the fields of environmental education, monitoring of natural and anthropic phenomena (hydrogeological structure, coastal erosion, polluted sites, air quality), environmental impact studies, and renewable energy. As a civil servant of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia, she was involved for over a decade in the implementation of environmental monitoring networks and related information systems for the management and processing of data related to water, soil, air quality and atmospheric emissions inventory, habitats and species of community interest. Since 2021 he has been working for the Nature Protection and Forestry Policy Service within which she coordinates the Regional Ecological Network (RER) office.

Emanuela Manca
Emanuela Manca, sustainable development sociologist, has been working in the field of sustainable development throughout participatory processes, for more than 20 years. After 18 years as a freelance, working for international cooperation projects, with private companies, NGOs and United Nations agencies, she became an officer at the the Sardinia Region, expert in environmental sustainability tools and sustainable tourism, facilitator of participatory processes; engaged in the design and implementation of international, national and local cooperation projects as well as in the development and implementation of the Sustainable Development Regional Strategy, territorializing the 2030 Agenda.

Luisa Mulas
Luisa is an Economist with a master’s degree in regional development policies. She has been working in the Directorate of Environment Sustainability, Sardinia Region, for 14 years. She has a long working experience in environmental sustainability tools and accompanying and assistance programmes for local administrations on these issues. In the last years she has been focused on development and implementation of the Sustainable Development Regional Strategy, localising the 2030 Agenda. Over the last 10 years she has been involved in various EU projects, concerning circular economy and green public procurement, climate change and capacity building.
Region of Crete
The Region of Crete is a second grade local self government authority of Greece and offers services for the benefit of the citizens. It is a Public Law Entity. It is organised and operated according to the Greek Law 3852/10 (FEK 87/07-06-2010) “Kallikratis Programme”. It consists of 6 General Directorates and 36 Directorates that aim at Economic, Social and Cultural Development of the Island of Crete. It designs, plans and implements policies at regional level as part of its responsibility in accordance with the principles of sustainable development and social cohesion of the country, taking into account national and European policies. The Region of Crete has great experience in implementing National and European projects. Under this scope, several actions of information, promotion and diffusion of knowledge have been carried out, while some of the projects were brought into effect in co-operation with with several partners throughout EU.

Anna Kagiampaki
Anna is an environmental scientist and holds a PhD and an MSc degree in ecosystem management – environmental biology. She has been working in the Directorate of Environment and Spatial Planning, Region of Crete, for 22 years. She is specialized in protected areas’ management and nature conservation, but also works in every aspect of environmental impact assessments, waste management, climate change and environmental audits. She has participated in various environmental projects, including the coordination of the integrated project LIFE IP 4 NATURA, which is the longest and biggest in funding project for the nature of Greece. She is particularly interested in ecosystem restoration, ecosystem services and nature-based solutions.

Vasiliki Madoulka
Vasiliki is the Head of the Department of European and International Relations of the Region of Crete. After completing her studies at the Faculty of Education at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in the field of Early Childhood Education, she received an M.D in Cultural Management. She has attended a year seminar at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and acquired a certificate in the field of the Development of efficient management skills and human resources training. She also attended a five months seminar again at National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in the field of European policy of immigrants and acquired a certificate in managing multiculturalism along with educational practices.

Dimitra Sarantou
Dimitra is an Economist with a master’s degree in regional development policies. She is Head of the Web-presence support & development department, in the Directorate of Digital Governance, of the Region of Crete. She has a long working experience in Evaluating, Monitoring and Auditing of private Investments, as an expert of the Ministry of Development & Investments. She is a certified trainer of adults, with a long teaching experience in topics related to Development, Management, Communication, Tourism and HRM.

Andreas Pantelous
Andreas holds an M.Eng. in Electronic and Electrical Engineering and a M.Sc. in data Telecommunications and Networks. He has been working in the ICT for the last 23 years, both in private and public sector. Currently is head of the Systems Support Department of Region of Crete. Over the last 5 years he has been involved in various EU projects.

Maria Stefanaki
Maria is a civil engineer and holds an MSc degree in Environmental Conservation and Management. She works at the Directorate of Environment and Spatial Planning, Region of Crete, in environmental impact assessments, waste management, climate change, renewable energy sources and Environmental Audits. She is the focal point of Region of Crete for the LIFE projects. She is also a member of the technical committee for Monitoring and Implementation of LIFE Integrated Project LIFE IP 4 Natura. She has been working in many other Environmental Europeans Projects for more than 10 years, concerning energy management plans, circular economy, waste management and marine pollution.
Ministry of Ecology, Spatial Planning and Urbanism
The Ministry of Ecology, Spatial Planning and Urbanism is the custodian of natural resources, biodiversity and space of Montenegro. Priorities of the institution are nature and environmental protection, clean air, water and land, climate change and space valorization. The Ministry of Ecology, Spatial Planning and Urbanism is the competent national authority for preparation of legislation, strategic documents and action plans in the field of environment and climate change. Within the Ministry, the Directorate for Nature Protection is responsible for biodiversity protection. It is divided in two divisions, the Division of Protected Areas and the Division of Integrated Management of Marine and Terrestrial Ecosystems. The Ministry is actively involved in the process of designation of new protected areas, improvement of management of the existing protected areas and preparation of the establishment of ecological network. During 2021 the Government of Montenegro proclaimed the first three marine protected areas, Nature Parks Platamuni, Katic and Stari Ulcinj.

Arina Maraš
Arina Maraš is a Head of Division for Protected Areas in the Ministry of Ecology, Spatial Planning and Urbanism of Montenegro since 2022, and a National Focal Point for the Programme of Work on Protected Areas. She worked in the Public Enterprise for the National Parks of Montenegro, and in total she has nine years of experience working in the area of nature protection. Arina held a diploma in Ecology (Specialization – Geoecology) from Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia and MSc in Environment and Development from Lancaster University.

Milica Rudić
Milica Rudić is a Head of Department in charge of integrated management of marine and coastal ecosystems within the Directorate for Nature Protection in the Ministry of Ecology, Spatial Planning and Urbanism of Montenegro, where she has been involved in several projects related to marine environment protection and coastal planning. She graduated Architecture in University of Montenegro and holds a MSc degree in Maritime Spatial Planning from Iuav University of Venice, awarded with EU scholarship. Milica is a National Focal Point for CBD Marine and Coastal Biodiversity.

The National Interuniversity Consortium For Marine Sciences, known with the acronym of CoNISMa is a not-for-profit entity, it has the purpose to promote and coordinate research and other scientific and applicable activities in the field of Marine Sciences among the associated Universities not only favouring the cooperation between Universities, other public and private research Bodies, local and territorial Authorities, Industries, but also their access and their possible participation in the creation and management of foreign or international laboratories that work in the field of Marine Sciences, according to the norms established in its Statute.

Annibale Cutrona
Degree in Chemical Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Turin. He worked for over 8 years in international university cooperation programmes, first as a volunteer and then as an expert at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In this activity, carried out in Latin America (Costa Rica and Chile), he was responsible for managing research and training projects in the field of environmental sciences. After his international experience, he was, for 8 years, director of an Italian service company in the field of marine research. Since 2001 he is director of CoNISMa (the National Inter-University Consortium for Marine Sciences), where he is responsible for the relations with the 35 associated universities, the management of major projects and he is responsible for the staff. From 2003 to 2010, he was the managing director of the shipping company that operated the CoNISMa ship “Universitatis” for oceanographic research.

Caterina Praticò
Praticò specialised in business management in Milan before getting a PhD in urban planning with a research focus on social boundaries in the urban contexts. During her professional experience she has refined skills on management of specific interventions on the following themes: Sustainable development, Blue growth, Blue energy, Urban infrastructures, Local development, Innovative urban services, Rural development, Creative enterprises, Innovative crafts, Economy of knowledge, Sharing and collaborative economy, Security and legality. She has also set up and coordinated inter-institutional and multilevel partnerships for the implementation of complex projects of local development and European cooperation projects. She worked as a manager (or as a consultant) for public institutions like ministries, regions, municipalities, provinces; with territorial stakeholders as chambers of commerce, associations of category etc. and with research institutions such as the national research council, universities and consortiums.

Lourdes Morrison
Graduated in Metallurgical Engineering from the Technological Institute of Costa Rica-Cartago. In her working career she has mainly dealt with technical aspects related to both scientific and administrative data processing. At the University of Concepcion-Cile and successively in Italy for service companies in the field of marine environmental research, she worked in the field of the elaboration of geographic information systems and georeferenced data elaboration collected within oceanographic campaigns. At the Ministry of the Environment and Protection of the Land and Sea-Italy, she has carried out technical support activities for the ICZM working group. Currently for over 10 years in CoNISMa she deals with database management and as technical support in National and International project activities.

Maddalena Laggini
She has a degree in Economy. She has been working for CoNISMa from 2002. Currently she is the administrative officer and works into Project Management at International level. She checks the feasibility of the project proposals (Tender-Structural Funds-Funds Research) of bodies and institutions at the national and international level (Ministries, Regional Managing Authorities, the European Union). Plan the budget and documents related to the project. Control Project Management community: Project Reporting at National and European level (Horizon Europe, H2020, FP7, Interreg MED, Interreg IT-AL-Me, Adrion, Italy-Croatia and ENPI CBC,). Analysis of cost accounting and preparation / submission of reports. Management process: goods and services purchase under procurement rule of the funding programme. Projects managed in the last 3 years: Interreg IT-AL-ME (Welcome and Welcome PLUS), Interreg Italy-Croatia (SASPAS and Fairsea), Life (CleanseaLIFE), H2020 (Merces and Ceres), MED Programme (AMAre, AMAre PLUS, Blue Growth)- Call for Proposal DG Mare. Head of Management and Finance (2003-2004). Balance sheet consolidated (2005-2008). Technical assistance during the meetings of Auditors’s Board
The National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) with the multi-disciplinary expertise of its nine Schools, promotes science and innovation, being harmonized with the natural environment. The School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (SNAME), participating in the Community4Nature project, has deep knowledge on the interlinkages between technological development and the protection, valorisation and restoration of the marine environment. Through its previous work in InnoBlueGrowth and Blue Growth Interreg MED Thematic Community projects, valuable experience was gained on capitalization of results, contribution to policies, educational (including the Learning Programme #05 of the Interreg Euro-MED Academy), as well as community building and communication activities. The School of Rural, Surveying and Geoinformatics Engineering, also part of the Community4Nature NTUA’s team through the PHYGEO_ENVI Laboratory, provides the knowledge base needed in the area of environmental planning, natural resources management, environmental impact assessment and development of environmental policy instruments.

Prof. Ioannis Chatjigeorgiou
Dr. Ioannis Chatjigeorgiou is Rector of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), since November 2023, and Professor in the School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering. During 2019-2023, he was the Vice Rector responsible for ‘Research and Lifelong Education’ in NTUA. He was awarded the Marie Curie Fellowship for outstanding researchers. His research interests include hydrodynamical fluid-structure interaction problems, analytical hydrodynamics with applications to violent slamming phenomena and structural nonlinear dynamics with applications to marine structures. He is also the author of the monograph “Analytical Method in Marine Hydrodynamics” published by the Cambridge University Press.

Prof. Maria Papadopoulou
Dr. Maria Papadopoulou is Professor and Director of the Laboratory of Physical Geography and Environmental Impacts at the School of Rural, Surveying and Geoinformatics Engineering (NTUA). Since 2017, she has been the Deputy Dean at the aforementioned School. Her principal research interests lie in the areas of natural resources management, groundwater modeling and management, groundwater-dependent ecosystem services, climate change adaptation, water-energy-food-climate Nexus, water and carbon footprint in agriculture. In June 2020, she was appointed President of the Management Board of Natural Environment and Climate Change Agency (NECCA).

Varvara Bougiouri
Varvara Bougiouri is a MSc Chemical Engineer. During her studies, she has participated in the Double Diploma Program: “TIME” (Top Industrial Managers of Europe) and has obtained two diplomas (Master’s Degree) from NTUA and from Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures de Paris (ECP). She has a second Master’s Degree in the field of “Monuments’ Protection” (NTUA), specialised in materials and maintenance interventions.. She has worked in the private sector from 2006 to 2009. In 2009, she joined the School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (NTUA), as a research associate. For the last 15 years, she has been involved in various educational activities and National/European projects.

Odysseas Sifounakis
Odysseas Sifounakis is an Agronomist with expertise in Agricultural Engineering and Environmental Science. He has earned a BSc and MSc in Land Reclamation, Soil Science, and Agricultural Engineering (AUTh, Greece) and an MSc in Hydrology from Utrecht University, Netherlands. Currently pursuing a PhD, he is a member of the Laboratory of Physical Geography and Environmental Impact at NTUA, Greece, where he has also gained teaching experience. His work covers involvement in European research and technology projects, and he serves as an external evaluator and monitor for EU agricultural and environmental programs.
CREAF is a public research center located in Barcelona, dedicated to understanding and addressing global environmental challenges. With a focus on climate change, biodiversity, water management, soil protection, and the promotion of a more just and resilient society, our interdisciplinary team of scientists works collaboratively to generate knowledge and provide practical solutions for sustainable development. Through cutting-edge research, innovative outreach initiatives, and partnerships with governments, NGOs, and communities, we are committed to creating a healthier, more equitable, and resilient world for current and future generations. CREAFs’ Community4Nature team is composed of the research group on water and global change, providing expertise in developing concrete adaptation measures through pilots and co-creation processes, as well as promoting transference of scientific information into decision making. The efforts to increase societal impact of research also include the development of conceptual and methodological approaches for innovation in governance for adaptation and its application in real life settings, including the creation of living labs, deliberative spaces and providing tailored support for public administrations promoting transformative changes.

Dr. Annelies Broekman
Annelies Broekman is an agricultural engineer (University of Bologna, 2002), has a Phd in agricultural economics (University of Bologna, 2007), and Master in sustainable water management (University of Zaragoza 2008). Member of the Water and Global Change Group at CREAF since 2013, her research focuses on improving governance strategies for adaptation in the Mediterranean region. She participated in 14 projects focused on promoting scientific knowledge to be taken up in management and policy making processes, adopting an integrated view of socioecological systems and fostering co-production of solutions.

Dr Anabel Sánchez
Anabel Sánchez has a degree in Biology (University of Barcelona, 1997), a master’s degree in Sustainable Water management from the University of Zaragoza (2017) and a PhD in Environment and Society from the Pablo de Olavide University in Seville (2022). She has been involved in research projects on adaptation of forest and water ecosystems to global change at CREAF for over 25 years. In 2021 she assumed the responsibility of Impact Officer of the centre.

Dr Eduard Pla
Edurad Pla is an environmental scientist (BSc, Autonomous University of Barcelona UAB, 1996) and PhD in Ecology (UAB 2002). Currently, his research is oriented towards the analysis of vulnerability to global change in water use and the definition of adaptation measures.

Diana Pascual
Diana Pascual has worked as a research technician in CREAF since 2009, assessing the effects of global change on water availability and forest ecosystems.

Veronica Antelo
Scientific communicator with almost 10 years of experience in the sector. Her specialty is content creation (especially for digital environment) and social media management. Hooked on trending topics, the algorithm and slow journalism in equal parts. Since 2016 she has worked as a communication technician at the CREAF ecology research center and since 2019 she has been its Social Media Manager at @CREAF_ecologia.

Roberto Molowny-Horas
Dr. Roberto Molowny-Horas, with a background in Astrophysics, is a research technician at the Centre for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications (CREAF) since October 2003. His expertise lies in environmental sciences, applied statistics and ecological modeling. Dr. Molowny-Horas has published numerous research articles in prestigious ecological journals. His research focuses on analyzing and modeling dynamic phenomena in ecology and forestry. He has been a visiting researcher at the University of Montreal and collaborates with scientists from national and international research institutions. Dr. Molowny-Horas has supervised five PhD theses and two master theses.

Maria Vives-Ingla
Maria Vives-Ingla is a research technician at CREAF. She holds a PhD in terrestrial ecology, where she modelled the physiological and population responses to climate change and drought of Mediterranean butterflies. She then joined the Water and Global Change Group, where she works on improving governance strategies for adaptation to global change using water as a main interdisciplinary axis. With a quite eclectic profile, she is now working in diverse projects involving strong skills in data analysis and visualisation, research activities, designing conditions for governance and deliberation, and fostering synergies between science, arts, ecological politics and contemporary thinking.
The Association of Parks in Bulgaria (APB) was founded on January 28th, 2003, in Sofia as an non-profit, non-governmental organisation. Currently it comprises four collective members (one association and three directorates of nature parks in Bulgaria) and 15 individual members (citizens who actively support biodiversity conservation and advocacy for sustainable development). The APB’s goal is to support the development and preservation of the system of protected territories in the country, conservation of Bulgaria’s biodiversity and promotion of sustainable development by balancing ecological, social and economic interests. The APB is part of the coalition of nongovernmental organisations “Let Nature Remain in Bulgaria” and is active as an initiator of advocacy campaigns for nature conservation within the coalition, as well as independently. The APB works with local communities, conservation and other NGOs, local and central authorities, the media and businesses in order to support the sustainable management of Bulgaria’s natural resources.

Simeon Arangelov
Simeon Arangelov is a Chairman of the management board of Association of parks in Bulgaria. Hi is biologist and long-standing activist for the Coalition of NGOs For the Nature. He has a great experience in leading campaigns for change in environmental legislation, as well as collaboration with institutions. Furthermore, Simeon has managed and coordinated projects, volunteer actions, and field teams. Through his work in the Directorate of Vitosha Nature Park and Association of parks in Bulgaria he gained experience in the management of complex protected areas. Simeon loves working with children and regularly leads educational programs and outdoor camps for kids. He participated in many field research studies and data analysis as a part of the management and conservation of flagship species such as the brown bear, european ground squirrel, golden eagle, and more. Simeon Arangelov is one of the persons responsible for the population recovery of the Balkan chamois in Vitosha nature park.

Viktoria Georgieva
Vicky has a degree in Publishing and Digital Culture from Middlesex University London and is currently the communications manager for Association of Parks in Bulgaria. She has experience in practical conservation, biodiversity research, wildlife monitoring, and habitat management, gained while working in the UK, Costa Rica, Malta, and Bulgaria particularly, working with NGOs and National parks. Due to diverse work environments and job roles, Vicky also has experience in team management, international partnership development, communications, research and data management, and marketing.
National Agency of Natural Resources (AKBN) has an experience 20 years in management of natural resources and environment protection of the nature. We our technical staff is more 190 persons, where part of this staff are the environment specialists. Its main duties and responsibilities of AKBN are related with the: monitoring of the state of environment in all the country based on the main environmental indicators and components in: air, waters, soil, forests and biodiversity. AKBN is also the contribution with the building up and managing the National Environmental date in Energy system. Part of environmental data bases is also use our national environment data. All the private operators who have been subject of Environmental Permission and Environmental Impact Assessment Procedures, our institution monitoring reports in line with the conditions established for them to the Environment Procedures.

Dr. Adrian Bylyku
Adrian Bylyku, is executive director of National Agency of Natural Resources and Professor Geologist in University of Tirana. He has the experience in the preparation the different studies for Greenhouse gas inventories and Mitigation, biodiversity and forests and management plant.

Mr. Artan Leskoviku
Artan Leskoviku, has experience in the preparation of National GHG Inventory Report of Albania for the years 2010 – 2016 . He has been a member of the report for sustainable and low-carbon maritime in Albania and the Climate Change and Policy Analysis in Albania. Mr. Leskoviku has been managing projects, Blue Deal, focus on support and promote Blue Energy deployment and contribute to pursue a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, Aquanex project with objective investigation of Albania surface water policy and future sustainable environmental and agricultural management.

Ms. Evis Çano
Evis Çano is an environmental and energy engineer, at UPT, FIN. Since 2000, she has been working at the National Agency of Natural Resources, Directorate of Renewable Energies. She is specialized for Energy Analyst and specialized and certified for Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Audit. It is also specialized and has worked for the Environmental Impact Assessment of renewable energy plants for the production of electricity from water, wind, sun, etc. She has worked on projects to mitigate climate change, protect biodiversity and ecosystems, reduce pollution, reduce discharges and emissions.

Ms. Enkelejda Arizaj
Enkelejda Arizaj is an environmental engineer for water treatment at UPT, FIN. She works in the National Agency of Natural Resources since 1999, in the Directorate of Renewable Energies. She is specialized in the evaluation of the environmental impact of HPPs as well as in the evaluation of water treatment plants. Enkelejda has worked with projects for the protection of inland surface waters, transitional waters, coastal waters and groundwater.

Ms. Teuta Thimjo
Teuta Thimjo is expert for maintaining and restoration of natural protection areas to protect, manage and restore remnant native ecosystems, and landscape restoration.

Mr. Erald Proko
Erald Proko is an environmental engineer. He has been working in the National Agency of Natural Resources, in the Directorate of Renewable Energies since 2018. He is specialized as an engineer for reforestation and has worked on projects for the rehabilitation of protected areas and reforestation as well as Ecosystem Management. Erald has worked also on projects for soil and forest management, restoring ecosystems & enhancing their services.
The National Institute of Biology (NIB), a public research institute, was established in 1960 and today is the leading research institution in the field of biology and the third among the Public Research Institutes in natural sciences in Slovenia. Currently, more than 200 people are employed at NIB. NIB is creating new fundamental knowledge in the field of biology and related natural and environmental sciences (biotechnology, medicine, and ecology) and transfer of this knowledge to use with the intention of improving the quality of life, of addressing social challenges, of supporting the environmental policy, and of development in biotechnology. Within contractual projects NIB supports governmental policy and agencies, collaborates with industries, particularly the pharmaceutical and the food industry.

Ana Fortič
She is a marine ecologist and is at the beginning of her scientific career. Her PhD project was focused on marine epibenthic communities and suspension feeding. She also works in the field of marine bioinvasion and conservation.

Ana Rotter
Ana Rotter is a microbiologist with a PhD in statistics at the Marine Biology Station Piran within the National Institute of Biology in Slovenia. She is the leader of the research programme »Marine and microbial biotechnology« and the chair of the COST Action Ocean4Biotech – European transdisciplinary networking platform for marine biotechnology. She was and is the leader/WP leader of several national and international projects.

Anja Sergaš
She is an administrative assistant at Marine Biology Station. She graduated management studies at the University of Primorska. Her work is based on the administrative support of the European projects.

Ernesta Grigalionyte-Bembič
She is a professional associate at National Institute of Biology and PhD student in management programme at the University of Primorska (Slovenia). Her activities are focused on the management of EU funded projects.

Eylem Atak
She is a PhD student at Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School (IPS). She is interested in obtaining bioactive substances from plants and marine organisms.

Daniel Bosch Ibanez
Daniel is an assistant researcher at the Marine Biology Station Piran, National Institute of Biology, where he studies technological applications of marine organism. Born in Almería, Spain, he carried out doctoral studies on yeast biotechnology at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden. Later, he worked in cancer biology at the Laboratory of Molecular and Cell Biology, University College London. Daniel has also taught professionally Spanish and English to both teenagers and adults. Finally, he is involved in bird protection as an active member of DOPPS/BirdLife Slovenia.

Luen Zidar
She is a research associate at the National Institute of Biology, Msc of Molecular and Functional Biology (Biotechnical Faculty University of Ljubljana). Her activities are focused on project work on marine biotechnology, circular bioeconomy and laboratory research in the field of marine biotechnology.
IrRADIARE, Science for Evolution
IrRADIARE is a multidisciplinary and multicultural team, dealing with urban, local and regional governance and public policies from an environmental sustainability perspective. We work hands-on with digital, numerical, communicational and management technologies. We provide support, advice, services, platforms, systems and smart solutions for our clients and partners. We operate European-wide from Brussels and Lisbon within an outreach active network of more than one thousand entities in a significant number of European regions and cites.

Elsa Ferreira Nunes
Elsa Ferreira Nunes, holds a Masters in Sociology of organisations and work at ISCSP and a Bachelor’s degree in Education Sciences and a Degree in Sociology (ISCTE). Between 1995 and 2003 her professional activity was mainly related to the Architecture and Management of Training, especially for Middle and Senior Managers. She also developed activities related to project analysis and consultancy, namely in IAPMEI where she was responsible for the GERIR and QI-PME programmes. Since 2003 he is co-responsible for the management of IrRADIARE, Science for Evolution, where he also works in the area of project management.

Sofia Martins
With a degree in Environmental Engineering, Ana Sofia Martins developed activities in the field of energy regulation. More recently she has participated in environmental and energy management projects, environmental and sustainability reports and in national and international programs project management in the areas of Energy, Environment, Climate Change and Sustainability. She has collaborated since March 2007 in IrRADIARE Science for Evolution, Lda performing activities in the area of sustainability, climate change adaptation, processes and products management and in national and European project management, in the areas of internationalisation, innovation, development and climate.

Patrícia Lima
With a Master in Environmental Engineering from Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Patrícia Lima has collaborated since 2014 in the company IrRADIARE. She develops activities related to the preparation of information on energy and climate performance, indicators and monitoring and analysis of energy performance and evolutionary trends of energy consumption, CO2 emissions. More recently, she also works in the coordination and support to the preparation of applications for funding programmes. Patrícia has also worked in the area of energy and environmental sustainability action planning.

Andreia Bastos
With a degree in Audiovisual and Multimedia from the Escola Superior de Comunicação Social and a Master’s in Communication Design, Andreia Bastos has collaborated with the company IrRADIARE since December 2014 in graphic design, communication, web design and multimedia.

Flávia Duarte
Flávia Duarte, with background in Management and Economics, is Chief Operational Officer at IrRADIARE. She intervenes in the management of national and European projects on the fields of internationalization, innovation and regional development, efficiency, circular economy, sustainability and adaptation to climate change.
DoE – Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment
The Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment promotes sustainable development for agriculture and fishing, while contributing to environmental protection. It consists of 10 Departments, including the Department of Environment (DoE) involved in Community4Nature project. DoE supervises policy implementation, chairs the Committee for Environmental Impact Assessment, promotes the enforcement of laws for the Control of Water Pollution and Management of Solid and Hazardous Waste. Its authorities include the protection of nature and biodiversity, pollution control and waste management, as well as climate change mitigation and adaptation strategic measures. DoE has participated in several European co-financed projects related to pollution, waste, environment protection, protected areas management, climate change adaptation, etc.

Costas Hadjipanayiotou
Costas Hadjipanayiotou is the Director of the Department of Environment. He is a geologist with postgraduate studies in the fields of Industrial Waste Management, Environmental Impact Assessment and Management and Public Administration. He worked as a researcher in University of Patra and consecutively as an engineering/environmental geologist. Since 1991 he is employed at the Department of Environment, he served as Environmental Consultant for 3 years in Brussels (2007-2009) in the Permanent Representation of Cyprus in EU.

Elena Stylianopoulou
Ms Elena Stylianopoulou is Biologist and studied at Brown University, USA with graduate studies in Energy and Environmental Management. She has worked as a consultant in the field of the environment for several years before the Department of the Environment in 2001 and is currently a Chief Senior Officer. She has worked in the field of environmental management, environmental impact assessment, ecolabel, waste management and nature and biodiversity. She is currently coordinating the waste management policy and nature and biodiversity sectors.

Aikaterini Tokalaki
Aikaterini Tokalaki is a biologist with Msc in the field of Environmental Biology. She is working in the Nature Protection Unit of the Department of Environment. She is involved in the environmental impact assessment process as well as in issues related to the control of the spread of invasive alien species.

Annie Papadopoulou
Holds a BSc and MSc in Marine Biology and Marine Environmental Management respectively. Has held a coordinating role at BirdLife Cyprus for 4 years dealing with marine policy and environmental projection. Current role as an Environment Officer entails overseeing the Common Agricultural Policy and its application through the Strategic Plan for Cyprus. Also involved, mainly, in environmental impact assessment reports , Assessment of Strategic report of Marine Spatial planning and monitoring of Natura 2000 sites.
OFB – French Biodiversity Office
The French Biodiversity Agency was created on 1st January 2020 to protect and restore biodiversity in Metropolitan France and its Overseas Territories. It is a public institution under the authority of the ministries responsible for Ecology and Agriculture & Food with 5 objectives: Sharing knowledge, research and expertise about species, habitats and their uses; Environmental and wildlife health policing; Supporting the implementation of public policies; Assisting and supporting protected natural area managers; Supporting stakeholders and mobilising civil society.

Frederic Villers
Holds an engineering degree in coastal management and 2 MScs in Applied Marine Science and Earth Science and Oeanography.
Worked several years on offshore wind farm marine spatial planning and marine EIA. Currently project officer on leisure coastal uses (leisure boat, diving, beach management), marine restoration and coordinator of several MPAs in south East of France. Also founder and coordinator of the Med Posidonia Network (MPN). Recognised as French national expert.

Phenia Marras Ait Razouk
Holds a degree in international affairs and negociation. Highly experienced in Cooperation & Networking / Coordination of consortiums relative to MPAs and biodiversity / public relations with EU and international représentatives / Training and consulting on project management methodology / Fundraising, EU & World Bank funds management. Currently Marine Adviser, Project Engineering for International Cooperation – Directorate for European and International Relations of the french biodiversity agency.

Eva Sahores
Eva holds a Master’s degree in Ocean and Climate Science, as well as a Master’s degree in International Affairs with a focus on Environmental Policy. She began working in a Marine Protected Area in the Mediterranean, before moving on to support French territories in their environmental policies and strategies. She then crossed the ocean to work for the French Cooperation and French Public Bank of Development in Costa Rica, where she was involved in environmental and ocean-related projects. In particular, she has promoted scientific cooperation in marine science between France and Central America, a topic that has always been of the utmost importance to her. She is now back in France and has been working for the French Biodiversity Agency since November 2024, as Project Officer for C4N and the Mediterranean Posidonia Network (MPN).