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  • in reply to: Promotion of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation ⛅ #6041
    Dario GiaiottiDario Giaiotti

    Dear Maria and Annelies,

    MedSeaRise project is entering in the phase of case study definitions and conduction.
    Reminding our previous posts, I kindly ask whether you have potential interested people who are willing to propose one or more impacts of sea level rise to be considered as case study and willing to participate to the study conduction.
    Keep in mind that we are working on both anthropic and ecosystem impacts.

    With best regards,

    Dario GiaiottiDario Giaiotti

    Dear Maria and Annelies,

    I am very glad to get your reply to my posts and to read of your interest in the data MedSeaRise is sharing in the frame of the community.

    Coming to your questions, the data we have collected and organized extends allover the Mediterranean area. So besides the geographical points, which are reported at the bottom of this post, that we have considered as a first set of locations where to focus the project objectives, we can extract the climate projection for any location over the Mediterranean.

    Of course, models outputs have limited spatial resolution that we can approximately state to be about 10 km x 10 km. So the data for one specific location is an interpolation of the location neighbors model output values, but for marine and coastal areas they represent quite well the reality a part some very specific sites.

    To generate input climate scenarios data, the approach adopted in MedSeaRise foresees the transfer of the project methodology to the whole Mediterranean and beyond, with a possibility to let available data to the Academy too. So if you need scenarios data for a specific area you are interested, we can provide them easily and promptly.

    Available plots and data are going to be used for awareness-raising and stakeholder engagement and later to conduct case studies on sea level rise impacts. So they are ready to be used, but what is missing is the degree or reliability to be given to each model output. This is the added value MedSeaRise is going to give to the dataset, besides the methodology on how to use those data in the proper way according to the reliability. So far people have used those climate scenarios data as they are and at this stage of the project it is possible to do the same, if it is needed.

    You are right, officially data will be released as part of the deliverable D.1.1.2 and the metadata carrying on information on those data reliability and uncertainty are going to be part of the deliverable D.2.1.1. Actually data are already available, because we started earlier in collecting and organizing them as expected in deliverable D.1.1.2. Deliverable D.2.1.2 is composed by subsets of numerical data already available in D.1.1.2, together with indexes, which are aimed to ease the practical application of the best practices in using data on climate scenarios available in D.1.1.2.

    Of course, once those deliverables are released, your help in identifying partners from the Mission that could be potentially interested in MedSeaRise data and methodology is welcome. In fact, in WP3 we expect to foster the methodology extending its application to further stakeholders getting feedback from users to understand how much training and further capitalization actions are required to have an efficient and effective large scale transfer of the methodology. Your proposal to help us in identify stakeholders is a good idea. I consider it a booster to activities belonging to WP3. So we can proceed to share that opportunity among them.

    In this phase of the project, further stakeholders are welcome if they are willing to get committed in the case studies, that is to share their information within MedSeaRise and participate to the works of the case study they will be involved in.

    So, if you have in mind some potential interested people, please feel free to let them in contact with me and I will organize a video call to explain the details of the participation in case studies. Remind that we are working on both anthropic and ecosystem impacts.

    Thanks again for the opportunity you are giving to MedSeaRise and for the very valuable work to amplify the projects results in the frame of Natural Heritage Mission.

    With best regards,

    To let potential interested people in contact with me use: ( ARPA FVG – PP2 in MedSeaRise Project

    Here is a list of geographical positions for which time series and plots are already available.
    location id latitude [°N] longitude [°E] notes
    LP1_00 40.636 22.942 Thessaloniki (EL); PRE, TAS
    LP1_01 40.416 22.751 Point offshore in the Thermaic Gulf; ZOS
    LP1_02 40.262 22.838 Point offshore in the Aegean Sea; ZOS
    PP2_00 45.643 13.790 Trieste (IT); PRE, TAS
    PP2_01 45.494 13.152 Point offshore in the North Adriatic Sea; ZOS
    PP3_00 43.703 7.266 Nice (FR); PRE, TAS
    PP3_01 42.569 7.347 Point offshore the Cote d’Azur; ZOS
    PP4_00 42.420 18.768 Kotor (ME); PRE, TAS
    PP4_01 42.165 18.401 Point offshore in the South Adriatic Sea; ZOS
    PP5_00 41.388 2.158 Barcelona (ES); PRE, TAS
    PP5_01 41.226 2.472 Point offshore in the Balearic Sea; ZOS
    PP6_00 35.899 14.514 Valletta (MT); PRE, TAS
    PP6_01 36.122 14.735 Point offshore the coastline of Malta; ZOS

    Dario GiaiottiDario Giaiotti

    Dear Sofia,

    continuing our discussion on this topic, here I am to report that MedSeaRise project has organized the first set of data, on climate change scenarios in the Mediterranean, which are going to be inputs for case studies on sea level rise impacts.

    At present, time series of monthly averages of air temperature, precipitation and sea level are available for each of the selected RCP future scenarios on six Mediterranean coastal areas.

    That information has been extracted from a large set of numerical simulations, which are available thanks the CMIP6 ( and the Med-CORDEX (!/dataset/projections-cordex-domains-single-levels?tab=form) research initiatives.

    Three main scenarios are considered in MedSeaRise, namely: RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5. For each scenario, we computed the anomaly of all the variables with respect a reference period of a few decades representing the end of the XX century.

    In my opinion, such numerical information, which is under evaluation of MedSeaRise partnership, contributes to enrich the base knowledge of the Natural Heritage Thematic Community.
    Furthermore, recalling the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework 8th target, data coming from MedSeaRise can be considered supplemental relevant resources that can assist the implementation of the Framework.

    Of course, data generated in the frame of the project are going to be release officially as MedSeaRise deliverables D.1.1.2 and D.2.1.2 and let available to the whole community.

    Here is an examples of the data available, reported as graphs. (

    With best regards

    Dario GiaiottiDario Giaiotti

    Dear Sofia,

    I agree with you on the intimate link between climate change and biodiversity loss. That connection is frequently approached by means of studies that aim to understand the response of species populations to changing environment.

    The project MedSeaRise ( foresees to identify sets of impacts deriving from the progressive increase of sea level, due to global warming, and among them we are focusing also on those affecting ecosystems, their management and preservation.

    At this stage of the project, the Partners have identified the stakeholders that are going to be involved in the case studies. Those case studies cover roughly six different areas of the Mediterranean coasts and sea.

    Thanks to those case studies and the methodology, we are going to delvelop, MedSeaRise is expected to contribute to minimize the impact of climate change in the Mediterranean supporting decision makers in increasing the ecosystem resilience, if this is possible, especially lowering the anthropic pressure where it is synergic with climate change in stressing threatened species.

    As far as I know the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, I think that MedSeaRise outputs could support the theory of change declared in the GBF. In fact, the knowledge produced in MedSeaRise, which will be available to the community through the case studies, it is going to add a tile on the awareness required to recognizes that urgent actions are required to limit biodiversity loss and consequent impacts.

    With best regards,

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