
Natural Heritage Mission participates to the EU Green Week with a ‘Nature Reserve Study Visit’

Date and Time

Date(s) - 18 June 2024
Time : 16h30 - 18h30

The 2024 EU Green Week is part of #WaterWIseEU, a campaign to stimulate an EU-wide conversation around water today and in the future. The campaign aims at fostering awareness and promoting positive, collaborative solutions.

In the context of the summer school organized by the Natural Heritage Mission on nature restoration, the Mission organizes an EU Green Week Partner Event. It is a study visit addressed to students and instructors at the Škocjanski zatok Nature Reserve, a restored wetland in Slovenia and will take place on the 18th of June 2024.

Wetlands are related to water resilience, as these ecosystems play a vital role in improving water quality (water purification and replenishment), and are a key part of the water cycle.

The study visit aims to spread knowledge on wetlands importance and value, on the need for wetlands’ restoration, while showcasing a good practice of restoration in Škocjanski zatok. The visit will be supported by a guided tour by DOPPS (Slovenian partner of BirdLife). Mrs Bojana Lipej, education coordinator of BirdLife Slovenia, will coordinate the study visit to the Reserve.

Link  to the event at the relevant 2024 EU Green Week page.

Check our ‘agenda’ here.