
Mediterranean Coast and Macro-regional Strategies Week 2023

Date and Time

Date(s) - 21 September 2023
Time : 0h00

Peter Mackelworth from Marine Institut will present Operationalising global and EU targets for marine conservation for 2030, through prioritising discussions for the AIR EBSAs as a examples for integrating marine conservation into regional MSP frameworks.

The Workshop is be dedicated to the further enhancement and recognition of marine protected areas and spatial planning at sea in EUSAIR with the emphasis on to the establishment of connected marine protected areas in the part of the Adriatic and Ionian Seas. The Masterplan will pave the way to the preparation of the Action Plan for Biodiversity and marine protection of which goals will be discussed at the workshop in order to obtain valuable feedback. This was in line also with the Slovenian presidency of Mediterranean Commission for Sustainable Development. Moreover, there will be presented the synergies established between Barcelona convention and EUSAIR during the Turkey presidency and the objectives for the Slovenian presidency in 2023 and 2024. In December 2023 in Slovenia, at the opening of COP 23, Turkey will hand over the presidency of the Barcelona Convention.